February 12, 2002

Demonstration Number 250 on Valentine's Day

People for Life's 250th demonstration at the1611 Peach Street Professional Building, the site of Erie's pending abortion facility, will take place on Valentine's Day, this Thursday, February 14, 2002, from Noon to 1:00 PM. The demonstrators will gather on the State Street side of the building.

These ongoing demonstrations, which began in late October 1999, illustrate that there is no such thing as "getting used to" the idea of an abortion facility in the midst of our community.

In addition to conducting twice-weekly (sometimes more frequent) demonstrations at the Professional Building, People for Life continues to maintain an office on the third floor of the building, only a few feet from the entrance to the pending abortion facility. We are also continuing the pro-life outdoor advertising on Peach Street, only a few hundred feet from the Professional Building.

Valentine's Day is more or less a celebration of natural romantic love, love that leads to the foundation of families, which in turn make possible the continuation of civilized society and the human race itself. Another natural kind of love-the love of children, and in particular, what is sometimes called the maternal instinct-also underpins human society.

We think that abortion proponents exhibit a pitiful lack of faith in the reality and power of love. They want us to think that the 1.3 million American mothers who undergo abortion each year would never love their children, and that these children would be so unwanted that they are better off dead. This is clearly not the truth. These abortion advocates also refuse to acknowledge the pain and guilt suffered by so many post-abortive women. But we know that post-abortive pain and suffering is very real, because abortion destroys a sacred maternal bond of love which is also very real.

We insist that Erie, and America, must not give up on love, especially not a mother's love. When there are problems, let's by all means offer whatever support is necessary.

If abortion is necessary, it is only because we, as individuals, as a community, and as a nation, would rather give up on love and embrace death-the death of love and the death of a child-instead of providing the help and support that are sometimes necessary.

But Americans are a good and caring people who are willing and able to provide whatever help is needed. And because this is so, it is all the more difficult to see how abortion can ever be considered the "right choice."

P.O. BOX 1126
ERIE, PA 16512

814-459-1333 | |

People for Life, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit, citizen's organization committed to affirming the intrinsic value of human life. People for Life is dedicated to advancing true justice by working for the protection of all innocent human lives, whatever the age, race, sex, physical condition, economic status, or place of residence (including the womb). People for Life encourages local involvement through education, political awareness, and the promotion of loving alternatives to the primitive and violent "solutions" of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. Together, we can create a society in which all human lives are held sacred.