April 1, 2000
State College Demonstration Report

Twelve people from Erie, including People for Life president Tim Broderick, traveled today to State College, PA to conduct a demonstration in front of Dr. Steven Chase Brigham's abortion mill at 477 E. Beaver Avenue.

The group arrived at the Unimart Building, which houses Brigham's abortion operation, at 12:30 PM. Approximately 20 demonstrators from the State College community were already assembled along Beaver Avenue, waiting for the Erie people to arrive. Their demonstration had begun at 11:30 AM.

The Erie people were especially pleased to meet, among the State College demonstrators, a representatives from the Penn State Students for Life.

The Erie group's message was very clear: Erie is a pro-life community with strong family values. Our community is already doing a wonderful job of providing the help and support that is sometimes needed by women who are experiencing untimely pregnancies. We, however, do not believe in taking human lives as a solution to social and/or personal problems. Erie does not want Dr. Brigham, or his abortion service!

Although the passing motorists occasionally honked their horns in approval, their reactions were perhaps not as remarkably enthusiastic as the reactions the demonstrators have come to expect from Erie motorists. The Erie group was, nevertheless, pleased with the level of support that was apparent in State College.

Meanwhile, in Erie, about 60 people picketed the Professional Building at 1611 Peach St., from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Next demonstration: This Thursday at noon. Brigham has purchased six office suites in the Professional Building and announced that he has applied to the PA Health Department for permission to start "terminating" there.

The group returned safely to Erie at approximately 7:00 PM this evening.

P.O. BOX 1126
ERIE, PA 16512

814-459-1333 | |

People for Life, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit, citizen's organization committed to affirming the intrinsic value of human life. People for Life is dedicated to advancing true justice by working for the protection of all innocent human lives, whatever the age, race, sex, physical condition, economic status, or place of residence (including the womb). People for Life encourages local involvement through education, political awareness, and the promotion of loving alternatives to the primitive and violent "solutions" of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. Together, we can create a society in which all human lives are held sacred.