Bus Trip


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We will begin at West Falls Church Metro Station.

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Preliminary Notes for Marchers Revised December 29, 2022

Bus Trip Itinerary for January 2023 (PDF)

Minor Permission Form (PDF)

Pro-Life Breakfast Erie March for Life March for Life
Washington, DC

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    March for Life 2023
    Washington, DC

    Friday, January 20, 2023

    to mark the 50th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade


    U.S. Supreme Court

    Supreme Court Photo by Tim Broderick
    On January 20, 2023, pro-life Americans will gather in Washington, DC to March for Life and take a giant step into the future of pro-life activism. “Next Steps: Marching in a Post-Roe America” is the theme of this year’s March. This will be the 50th March for Life and the first since the Dobbs decision toppled the judicial monstrosity known as Roe v. Wade. That infamous Supreme Court ruling forced practically unlimited abortion on the entire nation, resulting in 65 million lost lives.

    Many of those who traveled with People for Life to the first March for Life, on January 22, 1974, are no longer with us. Many of those who took up the March for Life tradition in the 80s and 90s are no longer up to the rigors of the red-eye bus trip and the winter chills of Washington, DC. Those of us who will be on the buses will remember those early pioneers with strong sentiments of gratitude and respect. After 50 long years, their patient dedication has carried the day. Roe is no more.

    Among those to be reverently remembered is Joanne Wagner, a young mother of a large family who perished along with her pre- born child in a sudden, unforeseen medical emergency while on the way to Washington with People for Life on January 22, 1976. Joanne’s name appears on the list of passengers that is still displayed in our office. The late Mother Mary Beth Kennedy also appears on that list. Mother “Betty” Kennedy was the beloved founder of the Community of Caring and the Community Country Day School. She was also widely admired for her work with the poor in Africa and Haiti.

    The demise of Roe does not mean the end of the March for Life, although that was an important objective. Many battles at the federal level remain before us. Significantly, the terminus of the March for Life will now shift from the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to the steps of the U.S. Capitol, where many legislative battles most surely lie ahead of us.

    The March for Life Education and Defense Fund explains: “Many national legislative battles loom, including even keeping longstanding Hyde protections, which limit government funding for abortion on annual appropriation bills. The Hyde Amendment has saved over 2 million lives and is arguably the most impactful pro- life policy in our nation’s history, but now cannot be taken for granted. Last, our most important work is changing hearts and minds. The goal of the national March for Life is to not only change laws at the state and federal level, but to change the culture to ultimately make abortion unthinkable.”

    Bus seats are $65 each, a price that just covers the amount we have to pay the bus company. Your payment will reserve your seat(s). There is a box on page one that shows four ways you can make a payment. Reservations will continue to be accepted until all seats are filled.

    For late-breaking news about the March for Life Bus Trip, refer to the January Activities section of peopleforlife.org and follow the Bus Trip on Facebook at Facebook.com/marchforlifebustrip. A draft copy of our Bus Trip itinerary and a set of preliminary instructions and suggestions will also be available on the website.


    If the cost is prohibitive, please call Tim Broderick at (814) 882-1333 to arrange financial help. Our goal is to make sure, with the help of our generous sponsors, that every dedicated pro-life person from the Erie area who wants to go to Washington and march to save lives is able to do so.


    Bus number assignments, assuming there will be more than a single bus, will be listed on the front page of peopleforlife.org using first names and last name initials. Please check your bus number in the early evening of January 19 to save time and avoid confusion at our boarding site

    Page last updated January 18, 2023